This Blog is part of the Organization and cultures course of Eafit University. After every lecture we have an assigned task that has to do with the topic studied....hope you like it

martes, 27 de julio de 2010

i was checking and i found the following 3 links really interesting for everyone to check out!!
  • I liked it because it talks about climate change from the expert scientist's point of view.
  • This one is actually very interesting. it contains unique business ideas and tips about how to get high profit with low budget.
  • In this blog you can share thoughts about international relations.

2 comentarios:

  1. I came into your blog and saw that you have a great suggestions about some links, the best one for me is the first one that talks about climate change, this issue is very important and is taking to much important nowadays at the international context.

    Now is time to understand that if we don’t start making something for our planet we are going to have serious problems in a near future and our family and sons should not have a planet to live.

    Hope to see more of you soon.

  2. i found interesting when entering to your blog the link to lowbudgetprosper as when i entered i noticed there are a lot of interesting articles with good examples that have been sucesfully emerged in diferent parts of the world, talks about cases in Russia in united states etc, and it gives you a open idea for market expansion, give you many tips to enter new markets and as what you said make more profits which is the ideal of all companies.
